profile (about) prep. - Lutra is managed by Carys Wynn-Mellor MSc EPP - BAHonsPREuL - MCIPR - DipCIPR - DipPSL. Originally made in Sheffield, Carys is now based in the Rhone Alpes, is currently a photography student in her spare time and works across the UK and Europe. With 15 years' experience in creative communications and as an accredited PR professional and a full member of the CIPR, Carys has always had a passion for photography and having worked in PR, specialises in providing photos for all your PR and marketing needs. She firmly believes that images add impact to any story or website. Out of hours, Carys loves mountain sports and music and she has a passion for environmental affairs. Get in touch to see what she can do for you...
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Le P'tit Chenevey l St Pierre d'Entremont l Savoie l FR

Copyright Lutra Creative 2013
Lutra Creative